Aarhus University Seal

Unlock the Latent Value of the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries


EIT Culture & Creativity is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. As a Knowledge and Innovation Community, KIC for the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries is designed to connect creatives and organisations to Europe’s largest innovation network - for transformation and strengthening 

Against the backdrop of a just weakening global pandemic, escalating climate crisis and encroaching war, Europe is also under significant threats to its territorial, data and economic sovereignty. The urgency of global warming and biodiversity loss, the opportunities and the challenges of rapid digital acceleration, make it necessary to chart clear paths for specific and ambitious transitions. Thus, policy-makers in Europe have committed to bold timelines, including carbon neutrality by 2050. 
The Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries, the CCSI, have a unique track record for successfully interconnecting and significantly influencing the performance of itself and other sectors. These interconnections often come hidden, such as when the advances in interface design, content and mobile computing were adopted as major new functionalities for handheld electronic devices. In that sense, art and design have also changed the landscape for urban and rural development.
In addition to operating laterally and providing stimulus for innovation across sectors, the CCSI are also an innovative industry that comes with a veritable treasure chest of tools and interventions - to imagine better futures, stimulate influence and support novel products and markets. When well-supported by legal and economic frameworks, CCSI products and services can create broad societal awareness, reflect and influence consumption patterns, and mediate our responsibility of nature and the environment. By fostering openness towards cultural and human diversity, they can then initiate behavioural changes of individuals and groups.
With experiences, products, and services to shape resilient futures, KIC for the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries aims to leverage the process of cultural change initiated by the New European Bauhaus and build on its pillars of sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics. By connecting culture to communities, creatives to capital, imagination to technology, and innovators to audiences and  policy-makers, fair businesses will be facilitated. Sovereign people and resilient entrepreneurs are the foundation of a Green, Digital and Social Europe - but also for reaching hearts and minds on a global level.