Creating Impact with Data Journalism: Pathways to Civic Communication and Engagement
Event for students, researchers, and practitioners in the field of journalism
Info about event
Aarhus University, Åbogade 34, building 5342, room 333, 8200 Aarhus N
The event is jointly hosted by the project InfraPublics: Journalism for Civic Communication in Urban Space (Christoph Raetzsch), the Department of Media and Journalism Studies, and the Centre for University Studies in Journalism (CJU).
This half-day symposium brings together international researchers and practitioners in data journalism and urban datafication to discuss new potentials of journalism, citizen engagement and broader trends in civic communication practice. The goal is to mutually learn from practice and research about the strategies employed in data journalism and urban datafication about novel ways of mapping, understanding and reflecting on societal complexity. The talks will address current state of the art approaches to data journalism and different forms of citizen and audience engagement. This symposium is the closing event for the InfraPublics project, funded 2020-2024 by Aarhus University's Research Fund (AUFF Reg. No. AUFF-F2020-7-11). Central outcomes of the project including a knowledge base for practitioners and students on emergent modes of civic communication will be presented (and launched) during the event. The event closes with a reception. Seats are limited. For questions, please contact Christoph Raetzsch.
Find detailed information about the event and all speakers in the AGENDA.
It is possible to participate in this event online (13:00-17:00 CET). Please mark the option in the above sign-up form.
Invited guests and speakers
Hendrik Lehmann (Lead Digital Innovation Lab Tagesspiegel)
Gianna-Carina Grün (Lead Data Journalism Team of Deutsche Welle)
Yuya Shibuya (Associate Professor, Tokyo University, Center for Spatial Information Science)
Olaya Argüeso Perez (Editor in Chief Correctiv, Finance, Data Journalism and International)
Jacopo Ottaviani (Data Scientist, Senior Strategist Code for Africa)
May Ee Wong (Postdoctoral Researcher Project "DAFED: Design and Aesthetics for Environmental Data", DDINF)
Kristoffer Dahl Sørensen (Lecturer, Danish School of Media and Journalism, DMJX)
Christoph Raetzsch, Franziska Garms, Albína Mrázová, Marie Vestergaard Bengtson (InfraPublics Team)