Aarhus University Seal

Becoming the Principal Service Marketplace for All European Rural Areas


dRural will inject new chances for the development of European rural areas and communities. The project aims to co-develop and roll up a digital marketplace of services for people living in rural areas, while creating jobs and opportunities for economic growth and quality of life improvement.

​​Predominantly, rural areas make up half of Europe and represent around 20 % of the population. However, most of them are also among the least favoured regions in the EU, with a GDP per head significantly below the European average. Lower incomes and less opportunities, a shrinking and older population, poor access to healthcare and education: this is the stereotypical picture of the European rural areas.
In that context, dRural aims to roll out a digital service network for people living in rural areas for, among others, health and care, social, eGovernment, agriculture and IT service. As an EU project, dRural will establish and apply strong cooperation through knowledge sharing and clustering activities with fellow projects and attuned initiatives, running from 2021 until 2024.